A Webinar on Interpretation of Machine learning

Warm greetings from
*MES Institute Of Technology and Management, Chathannoor,Kollam.

We are delighted to announce that Association of Electrical and Electronics Engineering department, 'TESLA' is organising a webinar on Interpretation of Machine learning.

📌 Topic : Interpretation of Machine learning

📌 Duration : 1 and half hours session

📌 Date : 20 Sept 2020

📌 Event Time : 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM

📌 Platform : Google Meet

📌 Speaker : Prof: Sandhya Harikumar
Assistant Professor
Department of CSE
Amrita School of Engineering

📌 Registration Free
📌 Pre Registration Mandatory
📌 Open to faculties & students

📌 Registration link :

📌 E- Certificates will be provided only to all active attendees-for Live Session

📌 FEEDBACK FORM mandatory for E-Certificate, which will be active at the end of the last 10 minutes duration of webinar session.

📌 For more details contact
Prof Nisha: 9947611883
Riyas: 9946942753

Kindly share with friends, students and Colleagues

WEBINAR for FRESH CIVIL ENGINEERING GRADUATES through ZOOM on 26 and 27 of August 2020.

Institution of Engineers(India), Student's Chapter announces a WEBINAR for FRESH CIVIL ENGINEERING GRADUATES through ZOOM on 26 and 27 of August 2020.
Day 1 : Mr. Harish K R ( Architect ) 4:00 pm to 5 Pm
Day 2 : Prof. Abi Basheer B ( HOD , Dept. of Civil Engg, MESITAM)
HANAN H : 8547391701
AJMI SHAJAHAN : 9656309051



The webinar intends to give an insight into the opportunities and current trends in the field of technology and Startups after COVID 19. It is intended for students working in this area.

Day 1: 22 August 2020
Title: Introduction to IEDC
Speaker: MS. SREEKUTTY O U (IEDC State Coordinator KSUM, Country Ambassador - SHE LOVES TECH INDIA)
Time: 5pm-6pm

Day2: 23 August 2020
Title: ABCD of Machine Learning
Speaker: Prof. SUMODH SUNDAR (Corporate/ASAP ML Trainer, Deep learning researcher, VIT Vellore)
Time: 7pm-8pm

Day3: 24 August 2020
Title: Post Covid Entrepreneurship Opportunities
Speaker: Prof.SHERIN SAM JOSE (Chief Executive Officer Startup Valley,Amal Jyothi TBI)
Time: 7pm-8pm

Day4: 25 August 2020
Title: Post Covid IT Trends
Speaker: Er. ARUN C B (Practice Head Future of Work,Wipro Digital)
Time: 11am-12pm

Day5: 26 August 2020
Title: Talk on Global Startup Ecosystem
(Freelancer- Product Development, SRH University of Applied Science, Germany)
Time: 7pm-8pm

Registration link :

Student Coordinator
Mob: 90616 02814

Aswin Shahjahan.
Student Coordinator

Building Energy Optimisation : Prospects and Opportunities

A Webinar on the Topic " Building Energy Optimisation : Prospects and Opportunities " by Department of Civil Engineering , MES Institute of Technology and management, Chathannoor through Zoom application.

Date: 23 August 2020 Time : 2 pm
Register : Closed


" മനസ്സ് നന്നാവട്ടെ "


We are happy to inform you that NSS Cell ( Unit no: 504) of MES INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT is conducting a Webinar.

This session will be mainly focused on the topic: " JIFFY WITH PHYSICIAN "
Session handled by Dr.AJITHA.V (Deputy Superintendent at District Hospital Kollam)
NSS volunteers as well as non NSS volunteers can also join this session

‌📆Date: 1 july 2020
⏳Time: 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm

🔖Register here: Link has been Expired!

🛑 Certificate will be provided 🛑

For more enquiries :
📞 SAIDALI S:8086309990
📞APARNA DEVI GS:8129460421
📞SANDHYA U (Program Officer):9995287081

Webinar Report : 23.6.2020 - "Becoming a Digital Demi God

An entrepreneur’s life is never like other people's lives. In the Entrepreneurial journey, one has to face so many problems such as failure. Motivation and inspiration for the young entrepreneurs waiting in the wings is a necessity.

We, The members of ICAM Association of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering hosted a Webinar on the topic 'Becoming a Digital Demi God' on June 23rd, 2020. This webinar was delivered through the Zoom platform by Mr. Arjun Sethunath who is a leading motivational speaker and entrepreneur.

It was an interactive session where the participants got chances to clear their doubts on the topic in the last 10 minutes.

A total strength of 100 participants registered which included Students and Staff. Out of that around 80 participants successfully participated and the recorded session was uploaded online for the others. We would proudly say that this webinar came out to be a grand success.

We would like to thank Prof. Saheer Sir, Prof. Shameera , Prof. Gimy and all Staff members for co-ordinating our students efforts and guiding them to conduct this webinar. We would also like to thank Student Organizers who silently did all the background and publicity work which ensured this webinar was conducted smoothly and ensured satisfaction of participants.

We would also like to thank our Principal Dr. J NAZAR , all our HoDs and all our Staff and Student community for their encouragement and co-operation...
Thank you all

COVID-19 Awareness Class / Live Streaming (Zoom) 25.06.2020

In connection with KTU University Examinations , an awareness class of COVID-19 , by the department of Health Services is arranged today (25.06.2020) at 11:00 am at Conference Hall for Warroom and KTU exam cell members of our college. All staff members will participate in the class through live streaming in the Zoom platform.

Webinar " Emerging Technologies and post COVID opportunities in IT.

22.6.2020 10.30-11.30 AM

Are you lost in the world of, what you can do after this pandemic. We, The members of IC@M (Informers-cse association @ mesitam) of the Department of Computer Science Engineering hosted a Webinar on the topic 'EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND POST COVID OPPORTUNITIES IN IT' on June 22, 2020. This webinar was delivered through the Google Meet platform by Mr. ARUN SURESH KUMAR who is a Software Engineer at UST Global.

It was an interactive session where the participants got chances to clear their doubts on the topic for the last 15 minutes.

A total strength of 150 participants registered which included Students, Teachers and Employees. Out of that 87 participants successfully participated. We would proudly say that this webinar came out to be a grand success.

We would like to thank our Prof. Saheer H, HOD, CSE for all the support. Also we like to thank Prof. Shemeera , Prof. Gimy,
Mr Lijubahulayan
and all Staff members for co-ordinating our students efforts and guiding them to conduct this webinar. We would like to thank Mr. Savion , Ms. Naaja and other Student Organizers who silently did all the background and publicity work which ensured this webinar was conducted smoothly and ensured satisfaction of participants.

We would also like to thank our Principal Dr. J Nazar and all our Staff and Student community for their encouragement and co-operation...

Thank you all...

A motivational talk about Entrepreneurship for Computer Science Engineers.

iC@M, informers- Computer Science & Engineering Association @ MESITAM is hosting yet another Webinar - A motivational talk about Entrepreneurship for Computer Science Engineers.

Time: 11 am to 11.45 am
Date: 23rd June 2020

Topic: Becoming a Digital Demi-God.

"Free for all those who love computer science and want to be successful entrepreneurs"

Arjun Sethunath
CEO, East Integrated Technologies, Oman &
Leading Motivational Speaker of Oman

A Webinar on "Emerging Technologies & Post COVID Opportunities in IT"

iC@M, informers- Computer Science & Engineering Association @ MESITAM is hosting a Webinar on "Emerging Technologies & Post COVID Opportunities in IT"
Time: 10:30 am
Date: 22nd June 2020

Register Now
Link has been expired!

Resource person: Mr. Arun Suresh Kumar,
Product Manager,
Leading MNC,
Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram

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