A Talk on the topic 'How to prepare sci /Scopus journal paper "

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department Association 'TESLA' oraganised a talk on the topic 'How to prepare sci/Scopus journal paper. The resource person was Prof. Arun Jacob. Assistant Professor- Department of Mechanical engineering ,MESITAM on 18th January 2022. The session mainly give importance to the preparation of manuscripts.
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Merit Evening and Inauguration of Association Activities 10-01-2022

ic@m – Student Association of CSE, MES Institute of Technology and Management, Chathannoor, Kollam in association with department staff club organized a Merit Evening and Inauguration of Association Activities on Jan 10th Monday 2022 at 2:45 pm. Mr. SALIM KUMAR EV (Asst. General Manager, Enterprise Business, BSNL, Kollam) was the Chief Guest. Mr. BINEESH B P (Jr. Engineer, Installation & Maintenance, BSNL Core Networking ) was the key speaker of the function.

Prof. SAHEER H (HOD, Computer Science & Engineering, MESITAM) delivered the welcome speech. Dr. NAJEE M (Principal, MESITAM) presided the function and Chief Guest Mr. SALIM KUMAR E V inaugurated the event. Chief Guest awarded the toppers of the recent semester results published by KTU with a memento while Principal awarded the faculty members who secured best results in the recent semester results published by KTU. Mr. MUHAMMED SAFVAN (S7 CSE), Vice Chairman, ic@m presented the report of previous year association activities and an overview of upcoming activities while Ms. NAAJA (S7 CSE), Secretary, ic@m hosted the function.

Mr. BINEESH B P handled a technical session on “Networking and IP v6 “. The event was conducted at the college auditorium and ended in the evening with vote of thanks by Prof. GIMY JOY , Staff advisor, ic@m.
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Fresher's Day Celebrations 2022-23

Freshers day was celebrated on 13th Dec , 2021 welcoming all the young buds of college to create an enthusiasm and togetherness among students by arranging funfilled and interactive events by the final years of MESITAM. The day was unforgettable and the coordination of students and staff of MESITAM made the celebration a successful one.

Check out Photo Gallery.

Student Induction Programme - 22nd to 27th Nov 2021

22/11/2021 : 09:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Inauguration of First Year Classes (2021-2022)
23/11/2021 : 09:30 AM to 11:00 PM
Inauguration & Academic Regulations by KTU. ( KTU LIVE VIDEO )
11:15 AM to 01:30 PM
" Human values & Professional Ethics "
by Mr. Thamimul Ansari( Career Guidance Counselor)
02:30 PM to 04:15 PM
" New Normal Values on New Normal Era "
by Mr. Brahmanayakam Mahadevan (NSS Master Trainer )

24/11/2021 : 09:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Department Section

10:00 AM to 11:30 AM ( KTU LIVE VIDEO )
Talk by Sri. Manoj Abraham IPS (ADGP Kerala )
11:45 AM to 01:30 PM
" Industry 4.0 & University 2.0 : New Approch to Engineering & Entrepreneurship "
By Mr. Santhosh V Pillai ( Founder, CEO MAK Lab Innovations )
02:30 AM to 04:00 PM
Blooming Stars & Parent Department
04:00 AM to 05:00 PM ( KTU LIVE VIDEO )
"Safty of Youth "
by Smt. Sreelekha IPS
(Retd Director General, Fire & Rescue Services , Kerala )

25/11/2021 : 09:30 AM to 10:00 AM ( KTU LIVE VIDEO )
" Psycho Social Competence "
by Dr. Arun D Nair
(Psychiatrist , Govt. Medical College , Trivandrum)
10:30 AM to 11:15 AM
Functions of NSS
by Prof. Hussain M (NSS District Co-ordinator Kollam)
11:30 AM to 01:00 PM
Amenities of College by Corresponding Cells

02:00 PM to 03:00 PM ( KTU LIVE VIDEO )
" Possibilities of Engineering Domain "
by Dr.S. Somanath ( Director VSSC )
03:00 PM to 04:15 PM
Fitness Programme

26/11/2021 : 09:30 AM to 10:00 AM
Department Section
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM ( KTU LIVE VIDEO )
" Re-farming the Future "
by Mr. Rajesh ( Associate Partner Market, ERNST & YOUNG LLP)
11:45 PM to 12:45 PM
" The Transictions from Science to Engineering "
by Dr.B.Premlet ( Retd. Professor & HOD.Dept)
( Physics, TKM College of Engineering)
02:00 AM to 04:15 PM ( KTU LIVE VIDEO )
Session by Team from Group of Technology Companies (G.Tech, Kerala)

27/11/2021 : 09:30 AM to 10:30 AM
(Group A-CSE,CE)
"Creativity & Innovations in Entrepreneurship"
by Prof.Azad A (IEDC Cell Co-ordinator MESITAM)

09:30 AM to 10:30 AM
(Group B-ME,ECE,EEE)
"Functions of Career Guidance and Placement Cell "
by Prof. Mohammed Afzal A & Prof.Sangeetha Saqgar ( Co-ordinators)
10:30 AM to 11:30 AM ( KTU LIVE VIDEO )
Talk by K.K Shailaja Teacher
(MLA Former minister for Health & Family Welfare , Govt of Kerala)
11:45 AM to 12:45 PM
(Group A-CSE,CE)
"Functions of Career Guidance and Placement Cell "
by Prof. Mohammed Afzal A & Prof.Sangeetha Sagar ( Co-ordinators)
11:45 AM to 12:45 PM
(Group B-ME,ECE,EEE)
"Creatitivity & Innovations in Entreprenurship "
by Prof.Azad A IEDC Cell Co-ordinator MESITAM)

12:45 AM to 01:30 PM
Awakening by Prof. Amala K J(Asst.Professor , CSE)
02:30 PM 04:15 PM
Prof. Bushra B N ( HOD, EEE)

Inauguration of First Year Classes - SIP Day 1 ( 22-11-2021)

(2021-2022) Batch by MESITAM

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One Day Workshop on Electrical Design

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering presents an one day workshop on Electrical Design in association with ARCITE .

Date: 19-11-2021 Venue : EEE Seminar HAll


SPEAKER : Mr. Saju Pappachen (CTO, j Thread)
Date : 17th, 18th November 2021
Venue : Computer Center 2 ( CSE)

Generic campus Placement Training Programme

6th,7th and 8th October 2021


EVENT DATE : 15th OCTOBER 2021 @ 5PM

A webinar will be organized as part of the celebration. Eminent Architect Dr.G. Shankar will be the resource person for the day
Title of webinar : Accelerating Urban action for a carbon free world
To join the meeting on Google Meet, click this link:

Or open Meet and enter this code: xkj-pbks-vgk
Youtube LIVE @ 5 PM


MES Institute of Technology & Management - ഈ വർഷത്തെ ഓണപരിപാടിയും കോവിഡ് സാഹചര്യം നിലനിൽക്കുന്നതിനാൽ ഓൺലൈൻ ആയിയാണ് നമ്മൾ നടത്തിയത്. "Mesonam 2k21" എന്ന ഈ വർഷത്തെ ഓണപരിപാടിയുടെ സമ്മാനദാനചടങ്ങ് 24/08/21 ന് വൈകിട്ടു 7മണിക്ക് നടത്തി. 22/08/21 നു ഉച്ചക്ക് ആയിരുന്നു ഓണപരിപാടിയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട പരിപാടികൾക്കു നമ്മൾ തുടക്കം കുറിച്ചത്.
E-പാട്ടോണം പാടിക്കോണം, മലയാളിമങ്ക പുരുഷകേസരി, വരച്ചവരയിൽ ഒരോണം, തിരുവോണചിത്രം തുടങ്ങിയ 4 പ്രോഗ്രാമുകളാണ് നമ്മൾ നടത്തിയത്. 24/08/21 രാവിലെ 10 മണി വരെ മത്സരാർത്തികൾക്ക് അവരുടെ എൻട്രികൾ അയക്കാൻ സമയം കൊടുത്തിരുന്നു. ഇങ്ങനെ മുൻകൂട്ടി നടന്ന പരിപാടിയുടെ സമ്മാനദാനം MESITAM പ്രിൻസിപ്പൽ Dr. J. നാസർ ഉൽത്ഘാടനം ചെയ്തു. ഓണം പ്രോഗ്രാം കോർഡിനേറ്റർ Asst. Pro. നിഷ മിസ്സ്‌ സ്വാഗതം പറഞ്ഞു. പിന്നീട് ഓരോ ജഡ്ജസും അതാതു വിജയികളെ പ്രഖ്യാപിച്ചു .
മലയാളി മങ്ക : 1st Prize: Naaja (S6, CSE )
പ്രഖ്യാപിച്ചത് Electrical & Elecronics Department HOD Prof. ബുഷ്‌റ ആയിരുന്നു.

E-പാട്ടോണം -1st Prize: Aliya A (S6, CE)
Judges: Asst. Prof. Shameera , Asst. Pro. Anshidha

തിരുവോണചിത്രം - Dhanush :(S6, EE)
Judge:Asst. Prof. Mohan

വരച്ചവരയിൽ ഒരോണം -1st Prize: Shifna ( )
Judges: Asst. Prof. Sandya , Mr. Amal (LI, CSE)

ഇത്രയും പേരാണ് സമ്മാനത്തിന് അർഹരായതു. " Nest -the staff club " അവതരണം ചെയത പരിപാടിയിൽ സ്റ്റുഡന്റ് കൺവീനവർ Aliya A നന്ദി പറഞ്ഞു. 7.45ഓട് കൂടി പരുപാടി അവസാനിച്ചു.

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