SIP 2022 ( Inaugural Session ) DAY 1 25/10/2022 Day 1

Prof Anshidha Aziz P , AP, Dept of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and the coordinator of SIP’22 welcomed the gathering. Dr Najee M , Principal addressed the students and officially inaugurated the 5 days Induction Programme for the batch 2022-2026.
Prof. Sangeetha Sagar, AP, Dept of Mechanical Engineering and the coodinator of SIP’22 gave an overview of the five days programme and the objective of each session.
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A workshop on 'Networking Technologies'

A workshop on 'Networking Technologies' was conducted by CSE Department students' association 'i-c@m' in association with Networkz Systems, Kollam on 28.10.2022 Friday 9.30am to 1pm. Prof. Saheer H, HoD-CSE inaugurated the programme. The session was handled by Mr.Mohammed Shafi and Mr.Sanober, Techno Commercial Engineers- Netwokz systems, Kollam.
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World Students Day Celebrations 2022

Institution of Engineers, Students chapter, Department of civil Engineering conducted World Students Day celebrations on 17th October 2022, Monday at 2.30 pm in the EEE Department Seminar hall. The programme was started with a two-minute silent prayer and followed by recitation of poem “songs of youth” by student member Shihana Anvar. Prof. Abi Basheer. B, Head of Department addressed the gathering. Dr. Najee M, Principal, MESITAM delivered the presidential address. Dr. Sheeba, Honorary Secretary, IEI local centre, Kollam inaugurated the function. The Chief Guest of the day Mr. Ajoy Chandran, Secretary, Kerala State Chalachitra Academy, delivered a very interesting and motivational talk on the topic “You have to dream before your dream can come true”. The winners of photo collage contest and debate competition were awarded with certificates and gifts. The formal inauguration ceremony was ended by a Vote of thanks. After the session, the chief guests were honored with Mementos. The session thus ended on a pleasant note.

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TESLA Offline activities kick start

Monday, 30th May 2022: TESLA, The association of Electrical & Electronics Engineers kick started its offline activities for the academic year with a technical talk. The talk covered "Career Opportunities in MEP - Importance of Electrical Work in MEP Construction Industry". The Session was handled by Prof. Harees Mon Aboobakkar, HOD - MEP, Indian Institute of Infrastructure & Construction.

Dr Najee M, Principal MESITAM, presided over the meeting and Prof. Bushra B N, HOD, EEE welcomed the gathering. The kick start of offline activities of TESLA was inaugurated by Prof. Harees Mon Aboobakkar. Around 80 people attended the function.

Technical Workshop Session on “Ham Radio”

This session was conducted by Electronics and Communication Technical Association (ECTA) on 25-05-2022 (Friday) (10am-12.30 pm, ECE Seminar Hall) for all Students and Staff of ECE Dept, MESITAM in association with Active Amateur Ham Radio Society Kollam.
The Session was supervised by 3 HAM Enthusiasts who are professionals in their respective fields:
1. Nishanth Sir, ITI Karicode
2. Hafeez Sir, Hewlett Packard
3. Navas Sir, KSRTC
The Session helped to familiarise the basics of HAM Concepts, its use in Emergency in situations and disasters etc. The various types of licenses, the procedure to obtain an amateur HAM license was explained and students were then a given a practical hands-on session on concepts of its use, its equipments etc.

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World Earth Day Celebrations 2022

Institution of Engineers, Students chapter, Department of Civil Engineering in association with M trac (Civil Engineering Association) conducted “World Earth day celebrations” on 17thMay 2022,Tuesday 01.30 pm in the EEE Department Seminar hall.
The programme was started with a two minute silent prayer. Charu.J.Krishnan, student member, IEI recited the poem “Bhoomikkoru Charamageetham”. Prof. Anees Beegom.H, Staff coordinator, Students’ Chapter welcomed the gathering. Dr.Najee.M, Principal, MESITAM delivered the presidential address. The Inauguration of the function was done by Er.K.Rajan, Chairman, IEI local center, Kollam. Dr.J.Udayakumar, Associate Professor, TKMCE, Kollam delivered the felicitation address.
The prize winners of the poster competition were honored with certificates and prize money. The formal inauguration ceremony was ended with a vote of thanks by Nesna Haris. The inauguration of an initiative, “PLANT A GARDEN, NURTURE LIFE” was done by Dr.J.Udayakumar, Associate Professor, TKM College Of Engineering, by planting a sapling on the courtyard of Civil Engineering department. After a tea break, a very entertaining and informative talk on “Emergency of climate emergency” was handled by Dr.J Udayakumar. Speaker had a nice interactive session with the students.
He had discussed about various aspects of climate change. He had also explained about the influence of wind on cloud formation which in turn leads to drastic weather change. His talk covered the topics like Global warming, green house gases and its positive and negative effects. He had also mentioned about the drastic changes in rainfall pattern for the past one year.
Chief guests were honored with mementos & the session thus ended on a pleasant note.

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Induction Programme for Second Sem B.Tech Students

Department of Mathematics & Applied Science is organizing a three-day induction program for the second semester BTech students on 18,19,20th April 2022 . The purpose of this programme is to develop self-awareness, to inculcate in them the ethos and culture of the institutaion, to build character, to build healthy relationship between teachers and students, and over all become a good citizen.
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Women's Day Celebration

Women cell, MESITAM has organised Women's day celebration as part of International Women's day on 10th March, 2022.

Prof.Bushra B N, Program coordinator delivered the welcome speech. The program was presided by Dr Najee M, Principal MESITAM and inaugurated by Ms Ambili Kannan, Fitness consultant and successful entrepreneur.

Women's day msg was delivered by Ms Lekshmi Ammal. L, Consultant Psychologist.

On the occasion of Women's Day, women cell felicitated Smt.Sarala Devi our supporting staff, who despite being a brilliant student was forced to enter the housekeeping profession due to difficult life circumstances.

Vote of thanks was proposed by Ms Aparna Devi, Student Coordinator.
There was a counselling session handled by Ms Lekshmi Ammal L.
The celebration came to an end with a sumptuous food fest organised by staffs and students of MESITAM.

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Basics of HVAC Workshop is arranged on 9th March 2022

Department of Mechanical Engineering has installed The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE) CHAPTER and the ISHRAE MESITM Student Chapter Working Committee ( CWC) installation was on Sun, Jun 20, 2021 . There are 21 student members (Final Year and 3rd students from ME Dept)

Prof Sangeetha Sagar and Prof Mohammed Afzal are the faculty members of the chapter

The following programme has been conducted during the year 2021-22

conducted Webinar on Basics of HVAC Systems on 15/7/2021. Resource Person- Er Abilash M R , ISHRAE

Technical talk on VRV.VRF Air conditioning Systems on 30/11/2021. Resource Person –Er Noushad Hussain M

Selection of Team college level for ACREX National Quiz competition was done on 28/7/2021

Quiz competition Topic Refrigeration and Air conditioning was conducted on 4th Feb 2022

E -Poster competition -Theme Sustainable Home was conducted on February 2022
Basics of HVAC Workshop is arranged on 9th March 2022

A 1-day Workshop-Dept of ECE, MESITAM

A 1-day Workshop was conducted by Dept of ECE, MESITAM in association with ECTA (Electronics and Communication Technical Association) on Xilinx Spartan VI FPGA Development Board using Xilinx IDE platform for 2nd and 3rd year ECE students on 17/2/2022 (Thu). The Workshop was handled by Mr. S. Raja, Product Development Engineer, Silicon Systems, Coimbatore.
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